**heads-up** : likely spam using [name]@freebsd.org

epilogue at allstream.net epilogue at allstream.net
Tue May 18 10:25:23 PDT 2004

http://people.freebsd.org/~yar/ is a valid URL, because yar is indeed a

this said, something (read: mailer-daemon error) tells me that
yar's e-mail below (bottom) is not quite right.  haven't bothered to open
the attachement and don't really see the point, given the virus comment in
the bounce reply.

perhaps this is already old hat.  perhaps it is just my mistake. 
nevertheless, i thought that you might appreciate a heads-up that some
spammer(s) may now be highjacking freebsd.org addresses in an attempt to
get us to open their attachments.


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 12:49:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: MAILER-DAEMON at outbox.allstream.net (Mail Delivery System)
To: epilogue at allstream.net
Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

This is the Allstream MTA program at host outbox.allstream.net.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
below could not be delivered to one or more destinations.

For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster>

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the message returned below.

			The Allstream MTA program

<yar at freebsd.org>: host mx1.freebsd.org[] said: 550 Error:
    Please keep viruses to yourself (in reply to end of DATA command)

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 12:49:24 -0400
From: epilogue at allstream.net
To: yar at freebsd.org
Subject: is someone spamming with your e-mail address or...

hello yar,

i am not sure what this message is all about.

1) did i just misunderstand?
2) was this intended for someone else? or
3) is someone sending spam and faking that you are the sender?


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 18:02:24 +0800
From: yar at freebsd.org
To: epilogue at allstream.net
Subject: unknown

what does it mean?

[product.zip  application/x-zip-compressed (29918 bytes)]

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