mounting usb camera - no /dev/da* !!!

Ben Paley ben at
Tue May 18 03:52:08 PDT 2004

On Tuesday 18 May 2004 04:02, Mike Jeays wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-05-17 at 19:16, Jason Taylor wrote:
> > I have a similar situation with a Cannon Powershot A40.  I can't mount
> > it, but gphoto is able to access it.  I had to modify a config file or
> > two in order for the ugen devices to be created writable by anyone other
> > than root.  Sorry, I don't have access to that box at the moment or I'd
> > offer something a bit more concrete.

gphoto2 turns out to work fine, thanks very much! I wonder why Digikam doesn't 
work, then?

> I have a Canon Powershot A70, and the same problem.  I bought a SanDisk
> card reader, and it works perfectly with a Compact Flash card that has
> been used in the A70.  It can be mounted as
> mount -t msdos /dev/da0s1 /mnt

This may turn out to be the easiest thing in the long run: certainly my wife 
and kids aren't going to want to learn a CLI for getting at their snaps. I 
guess it's either a) buy a cardreader, b) get Digikam to work or c) something 
else I don't know about yet.

Thanks for both your help,

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