natd -redirect_port

JJB Barbish3 at
Mon May 17 06:15:31 PDT 2004

Now wouldn't it just be better all the way around to create the IPFW
loadable module that is distributed with the system, with the
correct divert and logging options so it's not an mandatory
requirement to compile the kernel. Why make this so difficult for
the normal user?. Simpler and easier is always better than more
complicated. Look at it this way, A firewall without logging is
useless, and the majority of people who use IPFW have an lan behind
their IPFW firewall, so the sensible thing to do is distribute the
IPFW loadable module configured in an manner to address the needs of
the largest user group. As it's distributed now the loadable module
is all most completely useless so why even have one?

My personal option is the IPFW loadable module is not configured
correctly and needs to be corrected.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Hiris [mailto:4711 at]
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 8:32 AM
To: freebsd-questions at; Barbish3 at
Cc: Micheal Patterson; Anthony Philipp
Subject: Re: natd -redirect_port

On Saturday 15 May 2004 18:56, JJB wrote:
> You are wrong also. The boot time message that displays about the
> ipfw module being loaded is incorrect. I filed an PR on that in
> and was told by developers that message is misleading, that the
> module is fully enabled with nat and logging, so I tested and
> nat and logging is really in the loadable module.  It's my
> understanding the boot time message that displays about the ipfw
> module being loaded that says everything is disabled will be
> corrected in 5.3.  What is in the 5.2.1 ipfw module I do not know.
> My advice is to test ipfw module before adding ipfw option
> statements to kernel. That's why the 5.x versions are development
> versions, things change all the time until that get corrected
> be coming stable releases. This is all new because ipfw2 replaced
> ipfw at the 5.1 version I believe.  Just think about it, why have
> loadable module if all the options are turned off, it makes the
> module useless.  Ipfilter's loadable module is full function with
> nat and logging why should the ipfw module be any different? It's
> just that stupid message that has been misleading users all this
> time just like it did to me. If nat and logging is missing from
> ipfw loadable module in 5.2.1 then submit another PR to remind
> it needs to be corrected. Nat and logging are the most used
> of ipfw, it's just plain stupid not to have then included in the
> standard module.

If a user wants ipfw to issue the correct initial divert message,
it's still
required to compile ipfw into the kernel. This means 'option
required as stated in the natd manual.

Actually on 5.2-current the ipfw module doesn't know if the kernel
has been
compiled with ipdivert proto. This causes the wrong 'divert
disabled' initial

I will file a PR on the wrong initial divert message issue tomorrow.
If the
ipdivert proto capability could be retrieved via divcb sysctl or any
mechanism, it might become possible that the ipfw kld could issue
the correct
divert message.
Disabling of the divert message in case the ipfw has been compiled
as kld
could be a simpler solution.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Micheal Patterson [mailto:micheal at]
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 11:38 AM
> To: Barbish3 at; Christian Hiris;
> freebsd-questions at
> Cc: Anthony Philipp
> Subject: Re: natd -redirect_port
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "JJB" <Barbish3 at>
> To: "Christian Hiris" <4711 at>;
> <freebsd-questions at>
> Cc: "Anthony Philipp" <philipp1 at>
> Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2004 8:05 AM
> Subject: RE: natd -redirect_port
> > You are wrong, you do not have to compile ipfirewall kernel
> options
> > into the kernel.
> > IPFW is delivered as an bootable module.
> > You need this in rc.conf to enable ipfw, it will auto load the
> > bootable module.
> >
> > # Required For IPFW  kernel firewall support
> > firewall_enable="YES"              # Start daemon
> > firewall_script="/etc/ipfw.rules"  # run my custom rules
> > firewall_logging="YES"            # Enable events logging
> >
> > natd_enable="YES"                 # Enable IPFW nat function
> > natd_interface="rl0"
> > natd_flags="-dynamic -m -u -f /etc/natd.conf"
> You're right, you don't have to recompile to use ipfw, however,
> since there
> is no divert module, the kernel will still need to be recompiled
> enable
> divert. In order for the OP to do what they're wanting to do they
> will still
> need to recompile kernel and restart the system.
> --
> Micheal Patterson
> TSG Network Administration
> 405-917-0600
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