Help with editing partition tables

Viktor Lazlo viktorlazlo at
Sun May 16 21:33:08 PDT 2004

On Sun, 16 May 2004, Phil Thomson wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am a relative newbie to UNIX, going from being an ex-Windows user to
> being an X Windows user! ;-) I recently got FreeBSD installed on an older
> PC with a 3 GB drive and a 5 GB drive (which has not yet been mounted).
> The system is installed on the 3 GB drive, but my current partition table
> is inadequate to my needs. Here is the output of df -H:
> /dev/ad0s1a   260M   254M -15.3M   106%    /
> devfs         1.0K   1.0K     0B   100%    /dev
> /dev/ad0s1f   3.4G   1.6G   1.6G    51%    /usr
> /dev/ad0s1e   260M    14M   225M     6%    /var
> As you can see /dev/ad0s1a is dangerously full, and I hadn't finished
> installing applications yet (it got this full as I was
> compiling/installing Pine). Is there a way to change the partition table
> to allocate more space to /dev/ad0s1a? Sounds like a job for fdisk, but
> "man fdisk" leave me none the wiser on how to proceed with this. I've
> checked the online handbook too. Can anyone point me to a guide on this
> process or give me some pointers? TIA!

Most likely the problem is /root filling up with stuff that shouldn't be
there--if you have created a normal user start using that one for your
daily activity and clean out all the app-related files and directories in



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