
Warren Block wblock at
Fri May 14 18:35:08 PDT 2004

On Fri, 14 May 2004, Gary Kline wrote:

> 	Can anyone point me to the website that told how to set up
> 	sendmail's FEATURE to use blacklists?  There were at least
> 	fourr blacklist sites.  I've grep'd thru my ~/Mail directory,
> 	can't find it?

There should already be an example in /etc/mail/ (no

dnl FEATURE(dnsbl, `', `"550 Mail from " $&{client_addr} " rejected, see" $&{client_addr}')

Change the relevant information to use DNSBLs.  For example, here's the
one I use for the excellent XBL-SBL list:

FEATURE(`dnsbl', `', `"554 Mail from " $&{client_addr} " rejected, site listed on"')

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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