Apache returning multiple (Identical) pages?

Peter Risdon peter at circlesquared.com
Fri May 14 07:17:03 PDT 2004

Andy Holyer wrote:

> This is a weird one. I'm setting up a PHP page on the web server 
> (Apache2, FreeBSD 5.2). When I fetch from a browser, the server 
> delivers index.php over and over again, as fast as it can as far as I 
> can tell.
> However if I telnet to port 80 and type in the get request manually, 
> it delivers the page correctly, as far as I can tell. Once, only.
> Has anyone seen anything like this before?

I think a little bit more info would help.

Does the apache access log confirm that there are repeated GET requests 
for the page?

Is the page actually refreshing, or does it never seem to have finished 
loading, without the window actually being re-drawn over and over again? 
Infinite loops are a common prob in scripts.

Have you eliminated the possibility of errors in your PHP script by 
trying a very trivial script indeed, or one that you know works?


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