glib problems
hatter at
Fri May 14 04:16:45 PDT 2004
Thanks for your reply.
>Try a portupgrade -rf glib. I always do a -fa to force all. I have never
>timed an -rf glib on a 5.x system but it should keep your machine busy
>for some time :).
I did portupgrade -rf glib and it didnt take that long... probably
because there was *lotsa* errors. I'll paste relevant parts:
[Updating the pkgdb <format:bdb1_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 207
packages found (-0 +1) . done]
---> Skipping 'print/libgnomeprint' (libgnomeprint-2.6.1) because
'x11-toolkits/gtk20' (gtk-2.4.1) failed
---> Skipping 'accessibility/at-spi' (at-spi-1.4.2) because
'devel/libglade2' (libglade2-2.3.6) failed
---> Skipping 'accessibility/gnomemag' (gnomemag-0.10.11) because
'accessibility/at-spi' (at-spi-1.4.2) failed
---> Skipping 'x11/gnome2' (gnome2-2.6.0_1) because 'x11-toolkits/eel2'
(eel2-2.6.1) failed
** Listing the failed packages (*:skipped / !:failed)
* accessibility/atk (atk-1.4.1_1)
! x11-toolkits/gtk20 (gtk-2.4.1) (unknown build error)
* sysutils/nautilus-cd-burner (nautilus-cd-burner-2.6.1)
* x11/gnome2 (gnome2-2.6.0_1)
---> Packages processed: 18 done, 0 ignored, 87 skipped and 1 failed
What now?
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