
Peter Ulrich Kruppa root at
Thu May 13 00:31:57 PDT 2004

On Thu, 13 May 2004, Radu MOLNAR wrote:

> On Thu, 13 May 2004, Pavel Duda wrote:
> > Radu MOLNAR wrote:
> >
> > > This is odd as from what i heard freebsd's power is in it's speed,
> > > something that i noticed for my self by using it for desktop
> > > aplications.
> > >
> >
> > There is almost no performance gap between games that you run under
> > linux, bsd or windows (especially for FPS games like CS). I really like
> > fbsd, but when it comes to games, I'd rather use my windoz machine.
> >
> I believe that this is where the opensource comunity in general looses to
> windows. I dont know about you guys but computer games is how i got in
> touch with IT and i see that is still hapening with kids nowadays.
> The only reason i still install windows on my desktop is to
> play games. I would gladly give up the microsoft products and most of my
> friends would do so too if it wasn't for the reason mentioned above.
Before we start a holy war about education and OpenSource in
Has anybody ever tried
Are there more projects/companies like this?



> You may say that games are not important but i must disagree. How can one
> claim to make an OS for workstations if you can not play games in that OS.
> Games are the peak of multimedia aplications. Just take a look at the
> site and you will see that every day the GAMES section has
> the most new news.
> If we want an alternative to windows (we wants it) than maybe we should
> concentrate our energies on making a desktop. But these are just the
> rambling words of a guy that is frustrated of having to use microsoft
> operating systems, having to pay a lot of money for them and then getting
> the quality that we all know.
> whatever
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	|    Peter Ulrich Kruppa    |
        |         Wuppertal         |
        |          Germany          |

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