Installing Win2k, winXP64, FBSD i386 and amd64 on one disk
judmarc at
Wed May 12 02:41:52 PDT 2004
On Tue, 11 May 2004 23:54:37 +0200, Willem Jan Withagen <wjw at>
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install all of the above on my 200 Gb disk.
> But things don't really want to work.
> Any suggestions how to fix the bootmanager error???
> Or is it just because thing go beyond cilinder 1024
> If so would something like grub/lilo save me?
> Thanx,
> --WjW
> Please include me direct, since I'm not on Questions at .
>> But for the moment I've got much harder problems. I can not seem to get
>> the
>> four required
>> systems onto 1 disk.
>> win2k and winXP64 both run perfectly together
>> FBSD i386 and amd64 are also happy with oneanother.
>> But eg. win2k and FBSD i386 using FBSD bootmanager gives error 4 LBA (or
>> something
>> similar) Win2K still boots.
>> And then there is the fight that winXP64 insists in making the whole
>> remaining disk an extended
>> partition, so no more FBSD installs after XP64.
To avoid the extended partition problem, install FreeBSD after one of the
WindOS, the other two WindOS following FreeBSD.
Your difficulties likely have nothing to do with 1024 cylinders, which is
a problem only for ancient BIOSes - equipment many years old. If you do
have such old equipment, grub and lilo will work no differently with it
than Booteasy (FreeBSD's bootloader).
I have found GAG <URL:> to be an excellent,
easy-to-use boot manager that you may want to try, though if you prefer
one of the others you have mentioned, by all means use it.
Regarding the '4 LBA' problem, I'm out of my depth there - hope someone
else can help you.
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