newsyslog command in an script
Barbish3 at
Tue May 11 20:04:23 PDT 2004
In an csh script I want to issue newsyslog /var/log/security. I need
feedback from the newsyslog command in the form of an script
testable return code / exit code so I can determine if the specified
log met the rotate trigger for that file as defined in the
newsyslog.conf file and the file was rotated or not. I have tested
and know that newsyslog /var/log/security does check the
newsyslog.config for an entry of /var/log/security and checks the
size/time/date trigger to determine if file needs rotating.
So my question boils down to does the newsyslog command issue an
return code I can check in an script to see if the log was rotated
or not? If so what would the csh script command look like to perform
the test?
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