smbfs 4 Gb file limit.
Sunil Sunder Raj
unixtools at
Tue May 11 08:03:59 PDT 2004
I was using smbfs on one of our Freebsd servers to mount a 800 GB
raid of a win2k server with NTFS partition. Mounting seems to be great,
but when I try to copy a 18GB file from the freebsd server to the windows
server, strangely after 4GB it gives time out. Is there any fix for this. I
was advised to follow some other mailing list but in vain. If there is some
change in source code needed I am willing to do so.
The command I am using
# mount_smbfs //BACKUP_SHARE_USER at terabyte1/home5 /home5
terabyte1 is my win2k server with netbios enabled.
Uname output on my unix server
FreeBSD backupbrain 4.6-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE #0: Tue Jun 11
06:14:12 GMT 2002
murray at i386
Is any patch available to fix this problem.
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