Ports Index Update Error - mail/lmtpd Failure
Bob Perry
rperry4 at earthlink.net
Fri May 7 22:57:19 PDT 2004
On (05/05/04 10:18), Kent Stewart wrote:
> From: Kent Stewart <kstewart at owt.com>
> To: freebsd-questions at freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: Ports Index Update Error - mail/lmtpd Failure
> Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 10:18:15 -0700
> User-Agent: KMail/1.6.2
> Cc: Joshua Lokken <joshua at twobirds.us>, Bob Perry <rperry4 at earthlink.net>
> On Wednesday 05 May 2004 09:42 am, Joshua Lokken wrote:
> > * Bob Perry <rperry4 at earthlink.net> [2004-05-04 22:04]:
> > > Was unsucessful at upgrading my ports system Saturday due to a
> > > failure during the port index update. More specifically, I
> > > received an error message stating that mail/lmtpd file failed.
> > >
> > > The upgrade process is fairly basic beginning with a backup of
> > > /var/db/pkg, followed with pkgdb -Fv, cvsup -g -L 2 -z cvsupfile,
> > > and then portsdb -uU. The error ocurred during the index update
> > > and a message followed describing the error stating "Makefile",
> > > line 47: You cannot use DB3 and DB4 in the same time.
> >
> > I've been using the ports collection happily for a couple of years
> > now, and portsdb -Uu has correctly made me an index once. I believe
> > it's redundant, though, to immediately follow a cvsup with a portsdb
> > -Uu, as the cvsup takes care of the index for you. I wouldn't worry
> > too much; I've seen other folks recommend recvsupping and trying
> > again; It should be ok to ignore it; at least I always have.
> This is really not true. INDEX is updated infrequently and depending on
> the version cvsup downloads will leave you with a version that can be
> as much as 2 months out of date.
> If you don't use ports such as portupgrade, it doesn't matter because
> make will use the proper parameters from the port location. If you want
> to use portupgrade, you have to rebuild INDEX[-5] and INDEX.db after
> every cvsup.
> If you check the update dates on INDEX, you will see that it was updated
> on 1 May, 28 Apr, 3 Apr, and then on 13 Feb. You could have missed an
> important security fix because none of the ports such as portversion or
> pkg_version would have recognized that the port had been updated.
> If it has only made a proper INDEX twice for you, I really suspect that
> you are refusing ports that are important to the make index process. I
> build the INDEXs twice a day and the last time make index failed was on
> 12-13 Apr. FWIW, portsdb -U now uses "make index" to build INDEX.
First, I need to thank all who took the time to respond for your contrib-
I'm as much a newbie to FreeBSD as I am to sysadmin so I'm sure you'll
understand why I prefer to work within the box at this time. The portsdb
man page recommends running portsdb -uU after every CVSup and I feel more
comfortable following those guidelines. This is the first time I've ever
had a problem with INDEX so I'll treat it as an opportunity. My INDEX file
was last updated Apr 30 so if I understand your recommendations, I can
CVSup again, followed by portsdb -uU and hope for a clean build, or use
"make INDEX" and work with the advice provided if it fails again. If
that's unsucessful, run pkg_deinstall db3 since it's not required by any
other package and try again.
I've also checked my /etc/make.conf and the only settings that are
uncommented include CFLAGS= -O -pipe, BDECFLAGS= (whole list of stuff),
NOPROFILE= true, WITH_FAM= yes, and WITH_LAME= yes. Not sure what they do
(another opportunity).
Will let you know how things work out.
BTW, I was also very glad to see my message posted finally. Just set up mutt
and unfortunately had an ill-configured sendmail file that prevented me from
sucessfully sending mail out for over a week. All better now, I hope.
Thanks again.
Bob Perry
I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly
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