Is there any hardware RAID (SCSI) that is fully supported?

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Fri May 7 20:15:22 PDT 2004

On May 7, 2004, at 7:13 PM, Peter Schuller wrote:

> Hello,
> is there any hardware SCSI RAID controller that is fully supported in 
> FreeBSD?
> By "fully supported" I mean being able to monitor and talk to the 
> controller
> on a live system in order to initiate a rebuild on a replace drive and 
> such.
> Mylex/Adaptec seems to be a dead end, LSI's MegaRAIDs I'm not sure 
> about.
> Anything else out there?

Adaptec; I think that is what the Dell PERC controllers use (just 
rebranded?).  There' s a CLI utility that was ported from the Linux 
world...aacli I think is what it is called (or something similar to 
it).  Although I haven't had to try the actual rebuild from the CLI 
(THANK $DEITY, knock on wood...), the command line program does talk to 
the controller for information.

Try digging around for what the PERC controllers use for their 


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