athlon-mp daily hang 5.2.1

Mark Ovens mark at
Wed May 5 15:41:26 PDT 2004

Patrick Crosby wrote:
> Joshua Lokken (joshua at wrote:
>> [from
>> [snip]
> [snip]
>> # make -j4 buildworld
> [snip]
>> Be aware that this is still somewhat experimental, and commits to the
>> source tree may occasionally break this feature. If the world fails to
>> compile using this parameter try again without it before you report any
>> problems.
> this isn't for a 'make -j4 buildworld', it's for compilation of the
> software i'm developing...i got two cpu's to speed up a 45 minute
> build process...
> and, it hangs at other times as well, just most consistently during
> compilation.  i'm trying to help find what is causing this so that
> freebsd can improve.

Don't know that this will help you at all, but I'm running dual Athlon 
MP2800s, ASUS A7M266-D m/b, 1Gbyte RAM with a month old  -CURRENT and 
have just built Mozilla, Firefox, and Thunderbird back to back and 
updated a few ports at the same time without any hangs so the problem 
isn't specific to all dual Athlon setups.

BTW, what do you use to monitor CPU temps in FreeBSD?



> patrick
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