Nested Xdmcp

Jason Dusek jdusek at
Tue May 4 02:38:53 PDT 2004

Hi Kids,

I have an interesting problem. I would like to do a nested login to a 
remote machine using xdmcp. My machine is running 4.9BSD and the latest 
GNOME release.  The other machine is running 4.9BSD and KDE. So, here's 
what I know:

On my machine, both xdmcp and nested logins work. However, they don't 
work together. When I initiate a nested session and then select 'xdmcp' 
from 'actions' in the Gnome Display Manager, the nested window simply 
dissappears. Why?

When I try to do an unnested login to the remote machine, I can't find 
it - apparently it has to be configured to serve the screen to 
outsiders. So, what do I do about this?

Thanks for your help guys.

-- Jason Dusek      ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._
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