nVidia chipset - ethernet support?

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Wed Mar 31 03:11:37 PST 2004

On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 02:53:38AM +0200, Harald Schmalzbauer wrote:
> > Incidentally, my machine has two VGA ports. If anyone knows how to get both
> > of those working together with XFree86, that would be appreciated too!
> You need the proprietary nvidia driver (from ports/x11/nvidia-driver). See the 
> docs in the working directory of the port for more info, if you need a sample 
> dual-layout I can send you mine.

I've got that going too now, thanks; once using TwinView, and again using
two X screens (in the latter case, KDE displays a separate toolbar on the
bottom of each one, which is cool).

Actually what I really wanted was to bind a second keyboard and mouse (USB)
to the second screen, so I'd have two completely independent X sessions,
with separate xdm logins. But I don't think I'll be able to get that to work
without having a separate card and a separate X server process; X doesn't
seem to allow multiple 'ServerLayout' sections to be active concurrently.

But my machine does have one spare AGP slot as well as one PCI slot, so I
might go down that route.

Best wishes,


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