Why all my application giving me core dumped error?

Suhaimi Jamalludin suhaimi at niser.org.my
Tue Mar 30 03:23:48 PST 2004

Hi Matthew,

I have check my system memory using the bios utilities.
There is no error on the memory.....:(



Suhaimi Jamalludin wrote:

> Hi  Matthew,
> Really appreciate your advice....
> I also have check with my friends here....he also suspect that it 
> might be hardware memory problem.
> Regards,
> Suhaimi
> Matthew Seaman wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 10:58:13AM +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 05:45:11PM +0800, Suhaimi Jamalludin wrote:
>>>> I got some question regarding FreeBSD.
>>>> Today I just install FreeBSD 5.2-RELEASE from CD. Then  I cvsup 
>>>> port-all tag=. to the current one and complete the portupgrade -arR 
>>>> for update.
>>>> I want to setup LDAP+SAMBA3. Then I install all the required ports. 
>>>> Then After I install samba-devel. my system going crazy it give me 
>>>> all these core dumped error.
>>>> A) Why this happen?
>>>> B) How to check what is wrong with my system?
>>>> Can some body advice me...Please....
>>> Either you have hardware problems, or (and this seems to me more
>>> likely in this case) you chose the wrong time to pull down the
>>> 5-CURRENT sources.
>> Ooops.  I'm sorry -- I misread your e-mail.  You cvsuped ports to
>> HEAD, which is correct, and not the system as I seemed to have accused
>> you of doing.  Apologies.
>> I'm afraid that means the bad hardware theory is prime suspect.  It
>> does sound like you've blown a memory chip or some such.  You can try
>> running a few passes of memtest86 -- see http://www.memtest86.com/ --
>> which will confirm the failure if it finds anything wrong.  Swap out
>> memory sticks to see if you can isolate the problem.
>> What I said about 5-CURRENT and the various releases in my previous
>> messages is correct, but irrelevant.  However, once you've got your
>> system running stably again, do think about cvsup'ing and upgrading to
>> 5.2.1-RELEASE-p4 (which you can do in a sing make buildworld cycle
>> from 5.2-RELEASE I should think, as they are both taken from the
>> RELENG_5_2 branch).  There have been some nasty security bugs
>> announced recently, and 5.2.1 was released in part because of some
>> nasty (non-security) bugs in 5.2.
>>     Cheers,
>>     Matthew
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