Hardware on FreeBSD 5.2.1

Olaf Hoyer ohoyer at ohoyer.de
Tue Mar 30 03:18:03 PST 2004

On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Banana Flex wrote:

> hello!
> i have a little problem, can u help me?
> i would like to buy a new server called HP Proliant ML310
> the hardware on this machine for the ethernet is a Compaq NC7760
> this is working on FreeBSD 5.2.1? i have not seen this number on the
> hardware notes

HP relabels Intel and Broadcom chips.

I havent't looked yet, due to some lack of time, but they should be gigE
chips, and then its whether bge(4) or em(4) which will work.
(have tested on 380G3 with similar cards)


Olaf Hoyer        ohoyer at gaff.hhhr.ision.net
Fuerchterliche Erlebniss geben zu raten,
ob der, welcher sie erlebt, nicht etwas Fuerchterliches ist.
(Nietzsche, Jenseits von Gut und Boese)

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