mplayer questions

Joshua Lokken joshua at
Mon Mar 29 11:48:36 PST 2004

Cc to -newbies removed.  Doesn't need to be cross-posted.

* Tadimeti Keshav <keshav_tadimeti at> [2004-03-29 08:26]:
> Hi,
> I have a couple of questions:
> 1. I compiled mplayer with -DWITH_GUI.
>    When I use gmplayer (GUI) to open a video file, I
> get the error " video-out -vo available...".

I haven't built/installed mplayer for a few months, but I used to see
this before I had done 'make user' from the port directory.  At the
least, you should edit .mplayer/config in your home dir and set
default vo and ao.  Then gmplayer should work nicely for you.

> However, when I use mplayer (CLI) with the foll.
> options:
>          mplayer -fs -zoom -x 70 -y 50 /home/abc.wmv
> it works fine. COmpilation went fine w/o errors.
> 2. using the CLI mplayer, how can I play the video
> file from a given place, say after 19 minutes and 30
> seconds?

Dunno, sorry.


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		   stardate unknown.

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