cups Administration with Webinterfaces: - Device: "Parallel Port" missing

Danny Pansters danny at
Fri Mar 26 12:01:16 PST 2004

On Friday 26 March 2004 15:16, Christian Tanghe wrote:
> Hi,
> in brief:
> My system: FBSD 5.2 Current, Cups, Gimp-print and ghostscript from this
> days
> I want to add a locally connected Printer using the webinterface. In the
> dropdown menue "Device" apear different printer devices, e.g. LPD/LPR Host
> or Printer and IPP, but _not_ Parallel Port.
> 1. what is wrong?

It doesn't see or know that there's something on the par port.

> 2. are more infos about the System needed?

What printer and what does 'dmesg' say about it? 

I've been scratching my head a while ago when setting up cups because of the 
same problem, and I found out that if my printer was on while booting, it 
would report something like lpt0: <HP OfficeJet PNP> on ppbus0 suggesting 
something plug and play instead of lpt0: <Printer> on ppbus0 if the printer 
was turned off. You might want to try that (only for first time detection).  

> 3. right group?


> Thank you, greetings
> Christian



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