mount ext2fs
uidzero at
Mon Mar 22 16:16:51 PST 2004
Johnny wrote:
>i'm trying to mount ext2 partitions from an install of rh8 on my freebsd box. simple process i'd think, but apparently not with the current setup. the bsd box is 4.8-stable with a custom kernel including the ext2fs module, so i'd like to think that isn't the source of the problem. here is some output on the issue:
>euphoria# fdisk ad2
>The data for partition 2 is:
>sysid 131,(Linux filesystem)
>start 211680, size 88814880 (43366 Meg), flag 0
>beg: cyl 14/ head 0/ sector 1;
>end: cyl 1023/ head 239/ sector 63
>euphoria# mount -t ext2fs /dev/ad2s2 /data2
>ext2fs: /dev/ad2s2: Invalid argument
>all of the directories are in place, the kernel has the ext2fs module, so i'm at a loss with regards to this issue. any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated, thnx.
Try "mount_ext2fs /dev/as2s2 /data2" Just be sure to umount the
partition before you reboot or anything because it "could" mess up your
file system. Read the comment above the ext2fs module in thwe LINT kernel.
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