Top posting

Rob M rob at
Sun Mar 21 23:35:27 PST 2004

On Sunday 21 March 2004 11:50 pm, Denny Jodeit wrote:

> It boils down to a 'When in Rome, do as Romans do' situation. The charter
> states no top posting. I don't think it could be stated or explained any
> simpler.

And this is why I did not just blurt it all out at the top of my message.  I 
am sure there are many new people here who havent read the charter even 
though we get it every so often and dont think about it before posting.  
Blowing up over it is not the answer either and I am not stating you did 
Denny. A polite reminder to the individual that has offended should suffice, 
if you cant answer without being rude then don't answer.

> Rules and laws are to be followed. If you don't like it, don't post. IMHO,
> case closed.

Rules and laws are also meant to be enforced by those whose job it is to do 
so, for there will always be those that will not follow them.  I do not have 
an issue with the rules at all, as I said I am new here and learning.  That 
being said, if my involvement in the discussion has offended I will take your 
advise and not post further.

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