Building Packages - Links to Tutorials?

Drew Tomlinson drew at
Fri Mar 19 10:51:40 PST 2004

On 3/7/2004 1:15 PM Remko Lodder wrote:

>I am not sure but perhaps after the make -DCLIENT_ONLY=yes stuff
>you can do make package, this should in my opinion make the package
>you can install everywhere you wish (freebsd ofcourse).
>Note that i did not read any explaination about this, and i just assume
>this when i  "decode" the command into explaination.
Just to inform you, I tried these steps but the package still wants to 
be installed.  First I did "make -DWITH_CLIENT_ONLY=YES build".  Then I 
did "make package" and got an error about deinstalling the package 
before installing again.

Thanks for your help.


>Kind regards,
>Remko Lodder
> Dutch community for helping newcomers on the
> Dutch mirror of MRTG
>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>Van: owner-freebsd-questions at
>[mailto:owner-freebsd-questions at]Namens Drew Tomlinson
>Verzonden: zondag 7 maart 2004 22:13
>Aan: sellis at
>CC: freebsd-questions at
>Onderwerp: Re: Building Packages - Links to Tutorials?
>Sean Ellis told a big fish story including the following on 3/6/2004
>12:51 PM:
>>On Fri, Mar 05, 2004 at 01:34:20PM -0800, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
>>>I have a "faster" machine that I'd like to use to build packages and
>>>then install those packages on my "slower" machine.  I'm looking for
>>>links to info describing this process and some best practices.  I'm
>>>familiar with using portupgrade to build and install ports.  I've read
>>>the portupgrade man pages and see options to build and install packages
>>>but am not understanding how to put it all together.
>>Check this out.
>>.. under "Making a Package Repository".
>Thanks, that helps.  Now, is there any way to make a package without
>installing it?  For example, on my build machine I have the full version
>of bacula installed.  However, I'd like to make a package that is built
>with the "CLIENT_ONLY=YES" option.  So do I really have to build and
>install it "wrong" on the build machine and then rebuild and install it
>"right" just to get the package I want to install on another machine?
>Seem like there would be a better way.

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