Top posting

whizkid at whizkid at
Fri Mar 19 10:27:43 PST 2004

> Wow, almost every single reply to the list today was top posted.
> People, please know (and you must, you have to read them, too)
> that posting replies to the top of an email is, well, counter-
> intuitive, hard to follow, and goes against the general grain of
> RFC 1855.  Please, it has been requested from many users of this
> list, do not top post replies, but don't stop sending them ;)
> Thanks, folks.

It is amazing how people just do not care.  I was reading a few postings
on Yahoo's Finance pages (looking at people talking about the company I
work for) and there is this one character who has been told many many many
times, be he still insists on top posting and POSTING IN ALL CAPS... 
Someone should create a script that will bounce the message if all the
words are in CAPS and if the message is top posted, with a reply on proper
posting etiquette..  ;)

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