Server automatically Shuts down.

Jeff Hinrichs jlh at
Thu Mar 18 16:08:39 PST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "samy lancher" <washville2003 at>
To: <Barbish3 at>
Cc: <freebsd-questions at>
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:56 AM
Subject: RE: Server automatically Shuts down.

> Last night the system again crashed. Are there any other ways to redude
power load on the system.?
> Thanks,
> Naveen.
If it is power load then you'd probably be better off replacing your power
supply with something a bit bigger than you currently have installed.  Is
the machine on a UPS?  Also, just to check because I've seen this happen

The power is not controlled by a switch that a new employee or maint staff
is switching off?
New cleaning crew unplugging  to get access for their vacuum/radio, etc?

Don't laugh, I've consulted on gigs where such things have happened.


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