deleting directories with ??? in name
walterk1 at
Tue Mar 16 07:16:08 PST 2004
Parv wrote:
> in message <20040316035734.GC3419 at moo.holy.cow>,
> wrote Parv thusly...
>> # find . \( -inum <inode-1> -o -inum <inode-2> \) -print0 \
>> # | xargs -0 rm -fv
> Oh, don't forget the '-r', for recursion, option for rm(1) as i did.
> Use this instead...
> # find . \( -inum <inode-1> -o -inum <inode-2> \) -print0 \
> # | xargs -0 rm -rfv
> - Parv
Thanks, but when I did:
ls -i
and then typed in the inode in the command (saved in
an old List e-mail):
find . -inum <inode> -delete
it didn't delete them. Do you think your way would work
where manual command wouldn't? But, they are gone now,
so I can't try it anyway.
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