Quotas, sendmail and bouncing mail.

Eduardo Viruena Silva mrspock at esfm.ipn.mx
Fri Mar 12 10:30:11 PST 2004

Hello FreeBSD gurus!

Let me ask you a question.

We have a system that receives a lot of spam.
Even though we have installed "spamassassin"
our users keep the spam in their trash folder.

Our system have quotas to limit the
space our users can use, but when a user
have not cleaned his trash folder in a
long time, his limit is reached and
his mail begins to be returned to its origin
with a proper message.

Now, most of spam addresses are fake, and
the returned mail returns to our system, this
time to the "Post Master" account [root].

Is there a way of not returning the mail
when the quota limit is reached?
We are using sendmail as MTA.

I hope you can send me a copy to my
e-mail address, I am not subscribed to
the question list.

Thanks in advance.


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