Peter Risdon
peter at circlesquared.com
Fri Mar 12 10:08:33 PST 2004
John DeStefano wrote:
>My dear, fellow BSD enthusiasts,
>I realize this is not an isolated BSD question, but I know many of you
>use apache, and I wonder if this is a problem you might quickly
>recognize, or if another configuration file might be worth looking at.
>I'm trying to host two domains on one box with one IP (both LAN and
>WAN). When a user tries to visit any of the server aliases for the
>second Vhost, they are always brought to the first host instead.
>Note: I'm forwarding WAN port 10101 to LAN port 80, but I don't think
>that has an effect here.
>The relevent section of my httpd.conf file:
>#NameVirtualHost *:80
Uncomment this.
># VirtualHost example:
># Almost any Apache directive may go into a VirtualHost container.
># The first VirtualHost section is used for requests without a known
># server name.
>#<VirtualHost *:80>
># ServerAdmin webmaster at dummy-host.example.com
># DocumentRoot /www/docs/dummy-host.example.com
># ServerName dummy-host.example.com
># ErrorLog /var/log/dummy-host.example.com-error_log
># CustomLog /var/log/dummy-host.example.com-access_log common
>NameVirtualHost *:80
><VirtualHost *:80>
>ServerName www.thedestefanos.com
>ServerAlias thedestefanos.com *.thedestefanos.com
>DocumentRoot /usr/www
><VirtualHost *:80>
>ServerName www.thechocolateshack.com
>ServerAlias thechocolateshack.com *.thechocolateshack.com
>chocolateshack.com *.chocolateshack.com
>DocumentRoot /usr/www/thechocolateshack
>Thanks very much for your help, as always.
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