NAT & PPPoE (detailed email)

Peter Risdon peter at
Fri Mar 12 08:50:04 PST 2004

Mohsin Rahman wrote:

>My PPPoE works OK... I do get an IP and can get to internet from this
>machine. The problem is I can get to the internet from this
>machine ONLY, none my other machines can get to internet. How do I go
>about  fixing this? 
Reading further in man natd, I see:

     3.   If you use the -interface option, make sure that your interface is
          already configured.  If, for example, you wish to specify 
`tun0' as
          your interface, and you are using ppp(8) on that interface, 
you must
          make sure that you start ppp prior to starting natd.

So it does look like you should specify tun0 as the natd interface, and 
the startup order is obviously important.


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