3com modem

RYAN vAN GINNEKEN rmvg at shaw.ca
Wed Mar 10 16:11:21 PST 2004

Mike Maltese wrote:

>>It is not a win modem it is a hardware modem and was the best one my
>>supplier had, it cost me $120.00.  Thanks for your rely but it does not
>>help me with my problem i have had it working on several other machines
>>just not this one yet.
>Maybe you should have mentioned that. When someone posts that their internal
>PCI modem isn't working, 99 times out of 100 it is a winmodem. Are you
>saying that you had it working on a FreeBSD machine?
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yes had it working on a freebsd machine about a month ago didnt do 
anything spacial it was just there.  Now on this machine i do not see in 
my dmesg as i posted earlier

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