Wierd time changes

Denis R. darom at filmkern.com
Tue Mar 9 08:08:07 PST 2004

Hi Mark,

Ok, I have recompiled my kernel and excluded the support for SMP and ACPI.
All my weird problems with slow time have disappeared. The kernel time
stays dead on along with the ntpd. The uptime shows the correct amount of
days. It was funny to see after 3 days that the machine had been up for 1

My dmesg shows a new line now (TSC):
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
Timecounter "TSC" frequency 448945381 Hz quality 800

-su-2.05b# uname -a
FreeBSD mta2 5.2.1-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p1 #0: Mon Mar  8
16:28:46 PST 2004     root at mta2:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DRKERNEL  i386

If you install 4.9, my bet is that you will have the same problem with
your SMP motherboard.

Try this in your /boot/device.hints

Let us know. If this is not a production machine, just out of curiosity,
recompile the kernel without SMP and take a note if the time jumps at
reboot again. This experiment will take less time than the complete
reinstall with 4.9.



To follow up:

Based on your comments Denis, I tried the
kern.timecounter.hardware=i8254 workround - didn't work. I also spun a
UP kernel - that didn't work either. Confirms that it is something
specific to my machine (or the Asus A7M266-D m/b and BIOS).

Where does FreeBSD store the corrupted time across reboots though and,
more importantly, why?

I don't know where to go from here. I do have an old IDE drive lying
around so I guess I could put 4.9 on that and see if the problem exists
there as well.



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