Installation - More user friendly

JJB Barbish3 at
Mon Mar 8 08:49:04 PST 2004

Thanks Mark Frank for pointing that out.

Yes I have just put my web site online to sell my
FreeBSD Stable 4.9 Release Install guide.

An Up to date, Step by Step, How-To, Instructional Guide
to Installing FreeBSD from scratch, Specifically written with
background information covering the why and how the different
components are used together to create an home or small enterprise
network for the new-be and inexperienced FreeBSD computer hobbyist.
Not an General reference type of document, but an true learning aid
containing details unique to the stable version
of FreeBSD your installing.

After 30 months of answering the same questions over and over again
on this questions list, It became apparent that some thing must be
with the current documentation that so many people are having
problems with it.

No matter how many times I read posts from stanch supports of the
sysinstall process and the current documentation, their posts can
dispute the statistical facts so apparent in this questions list.
Every thing is reference material for the experienced user and not
written to the knowledge level appropriate to the first time

So I addressed that problem. It may not be appropriate for you, but
there are many who it is appropriate for.

Those who are interested can check it out at

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Frank [mailto:mark at]
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 10:45 AM
To: JJB; freebsd-questions at
Subject: Re: Installation - More user friendly

* On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 10:17:00AM -0500 JJB wrote:
> WD
> My web spider robot found this web site which is not on any of the
> search engines yet.
> Looks like it offers what you want in the way of user-friendly
> step-by-step instructions to installing FBSD.

Hey JJB, fbsd_user, Barbish or whoever you are this week,

You had to use a web spider to find your OWN (pay for use & written
using MS FrontPage) web site?

$ whois


Technical Contact:
   JOSEPH BARBISH (joebarbish at
   Fax: +1.NONE

Mark Frank
Director of Technical Services - eDoxs Corp.
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