[Fwd: Re: Installation - More user friendly]

gaf moak at bredband.net
Mon Mar 8 03:34:57 PST 2004

Hello everybody.
I´ve been reading all comments onthis subject and just wanted to add my 
opinion. A couple of months ago i was only using windows. Only for 
downloading stuff and listen to music. My windows skills extended only 
to install windows and applications, I never messed with regedit or 
whatever it´s called. So I have a very limited os experience/skills. 
However I got sick of microsoft and wanted to try something else and I 
stumbled on FreeBSD. Without much reading of the handbook I found it 
quite simple to install. Even configuring X was no problem. My biggest 
problem was that I didn´t know my hardware, monitor specs and so on. I 
did the installation a couple of times to practice and I have´nt had any 
big problems at all with sysinstall. After that I tried to install 
Debian Linux and found it more difficult.
It was after installing FreeBSD my problems started, to configure 
things. Now I need to spend a lot of time, that I don´t have (according 
to my girlfriend), reading  the handbook (which I sometimes find 
confusing) and searching other sites for information. Also choosing apps 
is complicated, which to choose?!.
So my conclusion is that installation is no problem, the handbook told 
me everything I needed to know. If somebody wants an OS and at the 
sametime learn it thoroghly FreeBSD is perfect but it will take some 
reading. I want to learn. If I wanted to be up and going quickly and 
only klicking my way through, I  would stick to XP. I have also tried 
Mandrake, it is easy to install but one must still read and learn if you 
only know windows. So I go for FreeBSD to learn thoroughly (not popular 
with my girlfriend).
I hope I haven´t insulted anyone or anything (except micro.....).
Kind regards

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