portsdb issues

Shaun T. Erickson ste at ste-land.com
Sat Mar 6 15:00:23 PST 2004

Kent Stewart wrote:

> The mirrors mostly update on the hour. Cvsuping less than an hour apart 
> may be using the same old data. You need to wait until 15-20 minutes 
> after the hour for the mirror to be updated. I mirror most of the data 
> and it takes around 8 minutes for a mirror update to finish. 

I waited a bit, then ran cvsup on the ports, once more, and this time 
there was more to download, including a new INDEX-5 file. I ran portsdb 
-Uu once more, and it worked perfectly. I guess my ports tree was out of 
sync somehow.

Thanks for the suggestions! :)


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