UW-Imap build question

Guy Van Sanden n.b at myrealbox.com
Thu Mar 4 08:22:01 PST 2004

I read that I can get uw-imap to work with Kerberos b compiling nlp with

Can I still do this through the port, and how?

3.10 How do I configure Kerberos V5?

        imap-2002 supports client and server functionality on UNIX and
        32-bit Windows. 
        Kerberos V5 is supported by default in Windows 2000 builds:
         nmake -f makefile.w2k
        Other builds require that a third-party Kerberos package, e.g.
        MIT Kerberos, be installed on the system first.
        To build with Kerberos V5 on UNIX, include
        EXTRAAUTHENTICATORS=gss in the make command line, e.g.
         make lnp EXTRAAUTHENTICATORS=gss
        To build with Kerberos V5 on Windows 9x, Windows Millenium, and
        NT4, use the "makefile.ntk" file instead of "makefile.nt":
         nmake -f makefile.ntk

  Guy Van Sanden 

  Registered Linux user #249404 - September 1997

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