My ipfilter rules.

Shaun T. Erickson ste at
Thu Mar 4 07:33:11 PST 2004

In order to be a good netizen, I applied the bogon list to my outbound 
traffic, too. I also moved the bad packet checks to the head of the 
incoming rules, as they make more sense there - no point in letting them 
use any more cpu than needed, if they are junk.

At least 35 people have looked at my rules 
( I've updated the page, so be sure 
to hit refresh/reload, if you go to look at it again. So far, two people 
have responded. I took the suggestions of one. Anyone else? I'm putting 
the server on the Internet tonight, and would like the firewall done by 

Two questions:

1) Should I be performing the bad packet checks on the outbound path, too?

2) I looked at using groups to keep outbound packets from traversing 
rules for inbound packets, and vice versa, but I still don't understand 
them well enough to set them up. Suggestions?


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