latest security advisory and 5.1R
Matthew Seaman
m.seaman at
Wed Mar 3 11:41:28 PST 2004
On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 01:35:55PM -0500, fbsd_user wrote:
> Please expand on your comment about 4.10 being the next stable
> release. I take this to mean that 5.2.1 is an long way off from
> moving to the stable branch. Are you in the inter-circle that
> authorizes the movement of development branch versions to stable
> branch? Just what is the time line for 4.x stable versions and the
> 5.x development versions? Sure would like an idea of the future so I
> can plan the upgrade time line for my environment.
No, I'm not part of the "inner circle" that decides these things. All
I'm doing is repeating stuff I've head on other mailing lists.
As I understand it, at least one more release from the 4-STABLE branch
is planned. That release will be numbered 4.10, and if it's going by
anything like the usual schedule (ie. 3 releases per major branch per
year) it will be the next release to be made, in a month or two's
time. It could well be the last release made from the 4-STABLE
branch, as it will probably be followed in about 3-4 months time by
5.3-RELEASE, and that is planned to coincide with the creation of
Understand that this is all speculation on my part. Chapter and verse
may be obtained here:
The RELENG_5 Schedule is here:
but as you can see, things have slipped a bit, and it's unlikely that
5.3 will be released by the end of this month, especially considering
how recently 5.2.1-RELEASE happened.
Of course, this could all be complete twaddle.
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. 26 The Paddocks
Savill Way
PGP: Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614 Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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