1 processor vs. 2

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at daleco.biz
Tue Mar 2 08:15:35 PST 2004

Joseph Koenig wrote:

>I'm putting together a system that will host a relatively small database
>(around 20,000 records), as well as run Apache / PHP to search that
>database. I have the option in front of me to use a P III dual 1GHz machine
>with a SCSI Raid 5, or to use a single P4 2.8 GHz with a SCSI Raid 1. Both
>have 1GB RAM. I'm looking to use MySQL as the DB. The site that this machine
>will host gets about 2 million hits per months (yes, hits, not pageviews or
>visitors) from about 21,000 unique visitors. Does anyone have an opinion as
>to which machine will perform best under this scenario? Obviously, both
>would run FreeBSD. Thanks,
>Joe Koenig
>Production Manager
>jWeb New Media Design
>joe at jWebmedia.com

Processors??  To quote Mr. Scott, "the more
they overthink the plumbin' the easier 'tis
to stop up the drain..."

Plus, the math.  Two PIII 1GHz shouldn't be
equal to one 2.8 P4.  And there's the question
of how well SMP is doing these days.  There
was some discussion of problems for some
folks using SMP on latter 4.X'es... but I think
DKFS that 5.X is doing better on this?  But
your talking a production machine...don't
you just love decisions?

The only advantage I see for the dual proc
solution is the RAID-5; a super-redundant
storage facility sounds good for an important

My $.02,

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

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