can i delete /usr/obj/ before installworld?

epilogue epilogue at
Sat Jul 31 17:06:07 PDT 2004

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 10:36:16 +0000
Scott <freebsd-questions at> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I'm really short on diskspace, and I have no room to run a make
> buildkernel after I run make buildworld.
> Is it possible to do the following:
> make buildworld
> rm -fr /usr/obj
> make buildkernel
> make installkernel
> -reboot single user
> make installworld

hello scott,

if i am not mistaken, everything created by make buildworld is what ends up
under /usr/obj.  by deleting these files, you are effectively removing
everything that you want to install via make installworld.

(perhaps?) a more space effective workaround would be to:

1) build a generic kernel and keep that lying about.  in other words, copy
the new generic kernel you build to another file like kernel.generic. 
these are pretty good about booting up, the despite minor changes that can
take place from buildworld to buildworld.

2) perform the make buildworld, reboot, make installworld, mergemaster,

3) boot with your kernel.generic, clean out usr/obj, then make a new

if this still doesn't work for you, i would recommend cleaning out some of
the directories which can chew up free disk space.  for example, 
/usr/ports/distfiles/ and /usr/ports/*/work (see man portsclean - part of
portinstall tools) and your/tmp (if you don't already have
clear_tmp_enable="YES" set in your rc.conf).

i know that this isn't exactly a perfect solution, but i hope nevertheless
that it helps you to achieve your end goal.


> Scott
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