freebsd How do you restart rc.conf without rebooting

Steve Bertrand iaccounts at
Sat Jul 31 10:42:33 PDT 2004

>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Dan" <longterm at>
>> To: <freebsd-questions at>
>> Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 3:28 PM
>> Subject: freebsd How do you restart rc.conf without rebooting
>>> How do you restart rc.conf without rebooting your machine.
>>> Dan
>> /etc/netstart if I recall will reload and execute the settings
>> within
>> rc.conf without rebooting.
> IIRC, /etc/netstart will reload the network only. I don't think it
> reloads everything in /etc/rc.conf.
> As a matter of fact, I just performed this command, and from what I
> can tell, it only reloaded the IP networking, and the fw rulesets. It
> did not HUP, or otherwise restart any of my daemons.

To add, I left work, got home, and found my default route did not get
reloaded properly after this ``test'' of the command.

Don't know why yet, all I do know is that I couldn't reach the box
from home so I had to ssh into another box on the same subnet, and add
the default route back.

All of the IP's and IP aliases did load correctly, as did the IPFW
firewall rules, but the defaultrouter="x.x.x.x" statement did not take
effect as it would have after a reboot.


>> --
>> Micheal Patterson
>> TSG Network Administration
>> 405-917-0600
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