Updating 5.2.1 Release #
Puna Tannehill
puna at imagescape.com
Thu Jul 29 09:33:12 PDT 2004
Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 09:37:35AM -0500, Puna Tannehill wrote:
>>Scott wrote:
>>>uname -a shows:
>>>FreeBSD 5.2.1-Release #0:
>>>I was expecting the release (version, revision# ?) number to
>>>be greater than #0. I think I've seen where the latest
>>>revision is #9 or so? Do I need to tell it to get the latest
>>>revision somehow? Do I need to change the cvs tag= to
>>>something else to get up to date?
>>I thought the #number indicated the number of times the server has been
>>rebooted based upon the last time the kernel was recompiled. Being that it
>>is #0, it was your first book. Reboot the machine and check the number
>> again.
> I believe that the #n is the number of times the kernel has been
> re-compiled since the last time the system was installed. It's
> probably not a very interesting datum except to kernel hackers who
> need to do a lot of recompiling.
Oh right right. Thank you for the correction. I'm still wiping the sleep from
my eyes. Actually, it might be an "fun" indicator of how many 15-20 minute
chunks of time one can never get back. heehee hmm ~sighs and sips coffee~
> What the original poster was thinking of is the patchlevel that gets
> incremented every time a new security (or nowadays: errata) patch is
> applied to any of the -RELEASE branches. That modifies the OS name
> (ie. the output of 'uname -r'), so instead of:
> 5.2.1-RELEASE
> it says (at the latest count):
> 5.2.1-RELEASE-p9
> See /usr/src/sys/conf/newvers.sh for the file that controls all that.
> Cheers,
> Matthew
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