KDE vs Gnome

Mark Ovens mark at ukug.uk.freebsd.org
Thu Jul 29 03:13:57 PDT 2004

Chris wrote:
> Sandbox Video Productions wrote:
>> IF i install both gnome & kde. how do i choose which
>> one i want to start up. It seem that it only starts
>> the GUI that was installed last.
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> Depends.
> 1. Are you using KDM? If so, you make your choice at the login menu.
> 2. If not above, edit .xinitrc and comment out one IE:
> exec startkde
> #gnome-session
> #exec startxfce4
> #exec startfluxbox
> In the above example, KDE starts after entering startx
> #exec startkde
> gnome-session
> #exec startxfce4
> #exec startfluxbox
> In the above example, Gnome starts ater entering startx

Even easier, if you want to avoid editing ~/.xinitrc everytime you want 
to change between the two, you could add a case statement in ~/.xinitrc 
to handle args to startx(1):

case "$1" in
	-k)	exec startkde
	-g)	gnome-session
	*)	exec startkde

The '*' case being the default if there are no args.

For this to work you have to hack /usr/X11R6/bin/startx and change the line




because if you specify any (client) args then startx(1) just starts X 
and an xterm - no window manager.

The last time I used multiple WMs was in XFree86 3.x and I'm certain I 
didn't have to hack startx so it looks like the behaviour has changed, 
or it maybe that it was just so long ago that I've forgotten :-)

See startx(1) and xinit(1) for details of the default startup behaviour.




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