ata1: resetting devices ...

Vulpes Velox v.velox at
Wed Jul 28 12:30:24 PDT 2004

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 09:48:02 -0700 (PDT)
samy lancher <washville2003 at> wrote:

> Hello All,
> This morning I have seen the following log message on my FreeBSD 4.7
> server.
> ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
> ata1: resetting devices .. ad2: DMA limited to UDMA33, non-ATA66
> cable or device
> done.
> I would really appreciate if someone could tell me the cause for
> this message and is there something to worry about the server?.

Bad drive or cable most likely. I've seen it three times. Fist it was
bad cable. The other two it was bad drives.

Try a new cable first and if that does not fix it, it is the drive
most likely.

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