AMD64 support: FreeBSD v.s. Gentoo

Wojciech Puchar wojtek at
Mon Jul 26 13:14:22 PDT 2004

> > "Does Linux or FreeBSD for the AMD64 architecture at
> > this point?"
> It doesn't really matter...yes gentoo is a linux
> distro. and its the only linux distro I would consider
> with the AMD64 architecture. I was looking to see if

one moment. distribution is distribution, linux is a kernel. CPU support
isn't the distribution feature. they just put everything in one CD/DVD
with some installer.

> anyone here has used (or has knowledge of) both AMD64
> OSes' support and functionality for x86-64
> applications.

i only used NetBSD and it has full support of AMD64 - i mean 64-bit mode
both for kernel and userspace, no emulation needed.

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