Installing php4

Drew Marshall drew at
Mon Jul 26 04:06:27 PDT 2004

On Sun, July 25, 2004 0:29, Matthew Seaman said:
> On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 08:58:15PM +0100, Drew Marshall wrote:
>> I understand the logic but I would have thought a line somewhere in
>> Makefile or the README just to give poor stupid people like me a clue as
>> to where to start looking. Ons further question that has come from my
>> compilation of the php4-extension is that once you have made your
>> selection the first time these options seem to be saved somewhere (The
>> build process states found previous configuration or similar) where is
>> this? I missed an option in my hurry this morning and now can't get back
>> to the menu options (No matter how many make cleans, pkg_deletes etc I
>> do) to re-set or add the options.
> the lang/php?-extensions ports just use the standard OPTIONS mechanism
> that a large number of other ports use.
> To modify a previously setup configuration, just do:
>     # make reconfig
> The configuration data is stored as a file /var/db/ports/{foo}/options
> where {foo} is the LATEST_LINK name for the port -- ie the same name
> as the package installed by the port, but with any version numbers
> split off.  It can be different though.
> In order to return any particular port to the pristene never
> configured state, simply delete the appropriate {foo} directory from
> /var/db/ports.  you can do that by:
>     # make rmconfig
> In order to prevent the options dialog ever coming up (eg. when you've
> supplied your own settings via portupgrade's MAKE_ARGS array), add
> BATCH=yes either in the environment or to the make argument list (the
> MAKE_ARGS array is probably the handiest way of doing that).  All of
> these things are discussed in the ports(7) man page.
> 	Cheers,
> 	Matthew

Thank you so much for your help, that's one of the things I love about
Open Source, you never stop learning!

Kind regards


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