dismount error on 5.2.1

Remko Lodder remko at elvandar.org
Sun Jul 25 05:01:23 PDT 2004

J.D. Bronson wrote:

> I reboot my machine at about 50% of the time..I see
> this in the logs:
> Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a
> WARNING: / was not properly dismounted
> Is this a known issue?
> I dont know why its complaining...any pointers would be appreciated!

Hey J.D

This tells you that your drive's did not properly shutdown when 
requested. So that could imply a reset, or a crash. When you reboot
normally your disk would sync itself and then properly shutdown.

The message tells you that that was not the case, so it needs checks 
(which i think follows after the message you describe)


Kind regards,

Remko Lodder                   |remko at elvandar.org
Reporter DSINet                |remko at dsinet.org
Projectleader Mostly-Harmless  |remko at mostly-harmless.nl

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