
Chris Keladis ckeladis at
Sat Jul 24 00:03:42 PDT 2004

Hi all,

I was wondering what Vinum configurations others are using and what is
a good balance between performance/redundancy?

I've gone with RAID10 (2 striped plexes with 3 subdisks each. The
plexes are mirrored to each other).


drive a device /dev/da1s1e 
drive b device /dev/da2s1e 
drive c device /dev/da3s1e
drive d device /dev/da4s1e
drive e device /dev/da5s1e
drive f device /dev/da6s1e
volume raid10
  plex org striped 512k
        sd length 0 drive a
        sd length 0 drive b
        sd length 0 drive c
  plex org striped 512k 
        sd length 0 drive d
        sd length 0 drive e
        sd length 0 drive f

I havent done any profiling but it "feels" a little slow to me.
Thought i'd talk to others to see what their using and see if i should
restructure my volume.



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