Apache/mod_php4/mysql issue

Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. kdk at daleco.biz
Wed Jul 21 12:08:07 PDT 2004

Robert Munn wrote:

>I recently upgraded apache2 and mod_php4 using portupgrade.  Now all my scripts that
>reference mysql fail with the error message:
>PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  mysql_connect() in /usr/users/munn/public_html/Testing/MySQL.php
>I re-built Apache and mod_php4
>with the following commands
>cd /usr/ports/www/apache2
>make install
>cd ../mod_php4
>make install WITH_APACHE2=1
>and the script <?php phpinfo(); ?>
>runs correctly.  

What does it say about SQL?  <see below>

>Scripts referencing mysql access fail with undefined function messages.
You mentioned that already ;-)

>When I built the files before I vaguely remember being presented with a dialog box that offered various
>options one of which involved mysql. I no longer get any options choice.

Possibly your config was cached and used again; OTOH,
as you were using portupgrade, and the dialog box would
require TTY input, it seems more probably that you simply
got a default PHP install.

IIRC, there was/is an issue floating around with changes
in the MySQL libraries ... or else in PHP's interface with
them.  One fix was to recompile PHP "--with-mysql=/path/to/mysql"
instead of relying on native PHP support, IIRC.  Please
triple check this if this is a mission critical box.

>Here is the information returned by mysql -V and httpd -v.

What I think we might need is the PHP config string

Good luck and good hunting...

Kevin Kinsey
DaleCo, S.P.

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