How to configure PHP build?

Gabriel Ambuehl gabriel_ambuehl at
Tue Jul 20 07:00:09 PDT 2004

Hello Matthew,

Tuesday, July 20, 2004, 3:46:42 PM, you wrote:

> Note that with the new PHP setup, most of the configurable bits are
> now in the lang/php4-extensions or land/php5-extensions ports -- not
> that you need to install either one of those.  They're just meta-ports
> where you can select a bunch of php extensions easily.  Since each
> extension is a separate port now, you can just go round and install
> all the one you want.

Ah so THAT's where all the stuff disappeared to.

> Nb. To get PHP to load the shared modules correctly, you'll need to
> change the 'extension_dir setting in /usr/local/etc/php.ini.  I found
> that setting it like this:

>     extension_dir = "/usr/local/lib/php/20040412/"

Sheesh. Now that's a weird way of installing a port...

But thanks!

Best regards,

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