/etc/make.conf info
Aaron Walker
ka0ttic at butsugenjitemple.org
Tue Jul 20 03:33:03 PDT 2004
Matthew Seaman wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 10:42:08AM +0200, Wojciech Puchar wrote:
>>where can i find info about possible options in make.conf for ports
> Look at the ports(7) man page and the default make.conf (which is
> /etc/defaults/make.conf under 4.x, and
> /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf in 5.x, or you can look at it in CVS
> via
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/share/examples/etc/make.conf )
> Otherwise, port specific make flags can be found generally by
> inspecting the Makefiles for each port, or the Makefiles under
> /usr/ports/Mk. Each of the Makefiles in /usr/ports/Mk has a long
> pre-amble documenting the various settings available. The convention
> is that variables starting 'WITH_' 'WITHOUT_' or 'WANT_' are
> user-settable; variables starting 'USE_' are for the port maintainer
> to deal with. Any section marked 'OPTIONS' causes the port to
> generate a popup menu allowing you to set the various flags listed
> either as 'WITH_FOO' or 'WITHOUT_FOO' -- those values are retained
> under /var/db/ports so you won't get the menu popup the second or
> subsequent times you make that port unless you specifically run 'make
> reconfig'.
> Note too that there are a number of ports that have variable settings
> which pre-date this convention: in those cases, you'll have to figure
> out from context what is user-settable and what isn't.
> Also note: most people find that using portupgrade(1) and friends to
> manage their ports gives best results. In which case, you can enter
> those make variables into the MAKE_ARGS array in
> /usr/local/etc/pkgtools.conf -- one big advantage of doing that is it
> allows you to apply the make argument to building a specific port. I
> don't think there are any such conflicts, but there's no guarrantee
> that two ports won't use the same make variable with conflicting
> meanings.
> Cheers,
> Matthew
Just to add to what Matthew said, there is also a manual page for make.conf:
$ man make.conf
Riffle West Virginia is so small that the Boy Scout had to double as the
town drunk.
/* Aaron Walker
* http://butsugenjitemple.org/~ka0ttic/
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